Sunday, 16 July 2017

Recruitment of 74 posts in Anganwadi in Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation


Recruitment of 74 posts in Anganwadi in Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation

Offline applications are being invited to fill the following posts in the Integrated Child Development Plan component, implemented by Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation.

Total Spaces: 74

(01) Position of the worker = 28 places
(02) Positions of the bridges = 31 places

Potential vacant places

(01) Places of worker = 11 positions
(02) Positions of the bridges = 04 positions

Eligibility: At least 10 passes for the worker
At least 7 passes for Thodagar

Advertised date: 12 July 2017

Time to send the application: Application will be sent from the post-AD application on the address shown in the official announcement in the day-20 from the date published from the advertisement.

Viewing an official ad for salary, terms, age, and other detailed information.

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