Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2016 | Assistant Commandant Jobs | Sarkari Naukri


भारतीय तटरक्षक बल मे 'सहायक कमांडेंट' के पदों पर भर्ती

Recruitment Organization : - Indian Coast Guard

Recruitment  Details : - Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2016: Apply Online for Assistant Commandant Posts

Indian Coast Guard, Assistant Commandant, Force, 12th, freejobalert, Sarkari Naukri, Latest Jobs, indian coast guard logo 
The Indian Coast Guard is a multi-mission organization, conducting round-the-year real-life operations at sea. Despite being relatively small, it has a wide range of task capabilities for both surface and air operations. The organization is headed by the Director General Indian Coast Guard (DGICG) exercising his overall command and superintendence from the Coast Guard Headquarters (CGHQ) located at New Delhi.

Online application on Indian Coast Guard Recruitment Job Alert 2016 Assistant Commandant Posts will be starts on 08th September, 2016, 2016 you have to successfully submit your application form before 15th September, 2016.

Note : Please Read Carefully for the online Application Process. 

Starting Date to Apply :   - 08th September, 2016 
Submission Last Date  :   - 15th September, 2016 

No. Of  Posts :   - Not specified

Branch :  
General Duty 
General Duty (Pilot) 
Technical branch (Mechanical and Electrical) 
Pilots (CPL) 

Qualification :    For General Duty & General Duty (Pilot) : Candidates Should hold a Bachelor’s degree of recognised university with minimum 55% marks in aggregate (ie. 1 st Semester to 8th Semester for BE/B.Tech or 1st year to last year for Bachelor Degree Candidates wherever applicable). Mathematics and Physics as subject up to intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent. 

For Technical branch : Engineering degree with 55% marks in aggregate or Should have passed Sections A and B examination from the Institution of Engineers (India) in Naval architecture or Mechanical or Marine or Automotive or Mechatronics or Industrial and Production or Metallurgy or Design or Aeronautical or Aerospace/Electrical or Electronics or Telecommunication or Instrumentation or Instrumentation and Control or Electronics and Communication or Power Engg. or Power Electronics discipline with 55% marks. 

For Pilots (CPL) : Passed 12th class pass with 60% marks in aggregate and should possess current / valid Commercial Pilot License (CPL) issued/validated by DGCA.
For more details read the ADVt. 

Age Limit :    For General Duty & Technical Branch : 01 Jul 1987 to 30 Jun 1996 (both dates inclusive). 
For General Duty (Pilot) & Pilots (CPL) : 01 Jul 1987 to 30 Jun 1998 (both dates inclusive) 
Job Profile :   - Assistant Commandant Posts 
Job Location :   - All over in India 
Application Fee :   - Read the ADVt.  
Selection Process :   - Selection process will be based on Merit Only. 

How To Apply :   - Visit to Apply Online Application Form from 08.09.2016 to 15.09.2016.

Kindly read the ADVt. carefully before Applying Online. 

Download Notification :    Click Here  
Apply Online Now :    Click Here  
Organization Website :  

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