Monday, 19 February 2018

This way, the display of the phone will appear on the TV, follow the 3 steps followed by connect

This way, the display of the phone will appear on the TV, follow the 3 steps followed by connect

Connecting to the Video Direct TV as seen on the phone from 3 Steps
Gadget Desk: Smartphones can be connected to television, although many users do not know about the process of connecting it. The big advantage of connecting the smartphone to the TV is that the mobile screen can be seen bigger, that means the user can enjoy gaming and video on the big screen. With video calling is also fun. If you want to do this, we are showing you the process of connecting your Android smartphone to the TV.

Yuletility Desk, Ahmedabad: Nowadays everyone has a mobile phone in hand. Smaller problems arise due to the increased workload in the phone. Sometimes such a user gets bigger costs because of such a problem. But you know that you can solve this problem. According to a mobile repair expert, Akram Ali often stops working mobile, and people are annoyed. But sometimes by following the domestic tips you can repair the phone yourself.

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