Thursday, 24 November 2016

Model Paper No.3 For Panchayat Talati,Jr.Clerk,Gram Sevak

Model Paper No.3 For Panchayat Talati,Jr.Clerk,Gram Sevak 
Gujarat Panchayat Seva Pasandgi Board announced the job notification as Gujarat Talati Recruitment 2016. Aspirants who are eagerly waiting for Ojas Gujarat Talati Jobs can check this Notification for Talathi Posts.
As per the details came from various local news papers the government of Gujarat is announced the notification for Talati Bharti through Panchayati Seva Pasandgi Board. Therefore, we had to inform all those interested candidates if you are keen to apply for various posts then you should able to look out the eligibility criteria provide from this page which is created by the members of team Aapnu Gujarat

Gujarat Talati Bharti 2016 Details

100 Marks Paper as per syllabus. 

Model Paper No.3 For Panchayat Talati,Jr.Clerk,Gram Sevak

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