Tuesday, 4 October 2016

IITRM Recruitment 2016 for Office Executive Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research & Management (IITRM) published notification


for recruitment for Office Executive Posts. You can view official notification by following link.

No of Posts: 02

Name of posts: Office Executive
Educational qualification: M.B.A. – First Class passed out candidates only. Preference will be given to candidate having engineering background.
Age limit: Not more than 40 years

Fixed Monthly Salary: Rs. 25,000/-
Selection process: 
  • Based on applications received, a merit list of qualified candidates will be prepared.
  • For a particular post, about 3 times no. of candidates will be called for personal interview. Candidates will be selected as per the performance in the interview.
  • No separate letters will be sent for interview. Candidates shortlisted will be sent SMS and e-mail. List of shortlisted candidates will be available on Institute website in due course of time.

How to apply: Online application should be made on www.jobs.iitram.in only and candidate should take print out of the application at the end. Candidate should send a Non Refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 100 in the name of “Registrar, IITRAM” payable at Ahmedabad (Required at the time of application online). Demand Draft should be sent for EACH POST separately. Demand Draft along with the print out of online application submitted should be sent by speed post/ registered post only at following mail address.
Mailing Address: Registrar, Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management, Maninagar East, Khokhra Circle, Ahmedabad- 380026
Last date for online application: 19/10/2016
Important links:
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