Monday, 5 September 2016

IIT Gandhinagar has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2016.

The Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGn) Library is looking for young, dynamic, tech- savvy, highly motivated and committed fresh Post-Graduates in Library & Information Science from recognized Indian universities to serve as Library Professional Trainees purely on a temporary basis for one year.

Posts : Library Professional Trainees

Number of Trainees to be admitted: 02

Educational Qualification : Master's in Library & Information Science (MLISc) or equivalent with First Class.

Age Limit : 26 years as on 17th September, 2016 (the date of interview). Relaxation for SC, ST & PD category Candidates Qualifications: M.L.I.Sc or equivalent with 60%, Age Limit-31 years

Remuneration: Consolidated stipend of Rs.20,000/- per month.

Selection Process : Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Interested candidates who meet the above mentioned basic requirements may send their application in a prescribed form along with resume inserting a passport size photograph to it and along with all required documents, to and directly come for the interview. Candidates are requested to bring with them the certificates (original & one set of photocopy) in support of date of birth, qualifications & category.

Candidates who have appeared for their final year examination and are expecting the results before the interview date may also apply, but must produce the final marks sheet at the time of interview, in proof of them having passed the examination in FIRST CLASS without which the candidate will not be allowed to attend the test and interview.

Venue for interview: Block 3 Room No: 109 Ground Floor - Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar- 382355.

How to Reach IITGN Campus

For more information about the Institute, Library and this announcement, please visit

Date for written test & interview :  : 17th September 2016 (Saturday) at 10.00am. 

Advertisement : Click Here

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