Wednesday, 7 September 2016

IIM Ahmedabad Recruitment 2016 for Research Assistant Post


IIM  Ahmedabad  Recruitment 2016 for Research Assistant Post : Indian Institute Management is looking for a Research Assistant to work under the Project “Studies on the Indian Economy” undertaken by Prof. Sebastian Morris. The position is purely on temporary basis.

Job Description:  The position is to co-work with the faculty by taking notes and dictation· on a wide variety of topics, from class room recordings etc., maintaining the continuity in the academic and professional work of the faculty. Similarly, the ability to read the handwriting of the faculty would be necessary.
Qualification, Experience & Skill Requirements for IIM  Ahmedabad  Recruitment 2016 for Research Assistant Post:
  • Post graduate degree preferably in English; or graduate honors degree;with high academic performance.  Excellent proficiency in English is necessary.
  • Understanding of business English and some familiarity with social
  • Sciences is preferred.  Some skills in handling tables, graphs, references would be an advantage.
  • Much experience in independent correspondence / producing reports from dictation is required.
  • Experience of using excel and word is necessary.
Age for IIM Vacancy : Above 25 years. S
Salary & Allowances:  Commensurate with experience.
How to Apply For IIM Recruitment :Interested candidates are requested to apply ONLINE ONLY latest by September 15, 2016, 6.00 pm.
Important Links for IIM vacancy 2016:
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