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Central University of Gujarat (CUG) Recruitment for Junior Research Fellow Post 2017
Post Name: Junior Research Fellow/Research Fellow: 01
Essential Qualifications: M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences/Life Science/Microbiology/ M.Tech Environmental Engineering with minimum of 55% marks or 50% in case of SC/ST/PWD. Preference will be given to UGC-CSIR NET/GATE/SLET qualified or with at least two years of work experience in the relevant area is must.
Salary: Rs. 16,000 per month (Consolidated).
Project Duration: 3 Years
Interested candidates meeting above requirements may submit application indicating the name, date of birth/age, nationality, postal and email addresses, Mob. No., essential and desired technical/professional qualifications, research work and experience, Published Papers etc. in relevant area along with signature, date.
Application along with a brief resume should be sent to Project Investigator:
Dr. Rajesh Singh
School of Environment and Sustainable Development
Central University of Gujarat
Sector 30, Gandhinagar- 382030
Email. rajesh.singh@cug.ac.in
Mob. No. +91-9409218696
Only sort-listed candidates will be intimated by email and called for the interview
General Instructions:
1. The selected candidate will be appointed purely on temporary basis initially for a period
of one year.
2. Appointment may be extended depending on the satisfactory work performance as
assessed by the project head or till the validity of the project, or whichever is earliest.
3. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview. No other allowances are payable
More Details: Please Read Official Advertisement.
Last Date for sending application: August 17, 2017
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