Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) has published requirement news for below mentioned Post 2017.


Total No. of Posts : 120 Posts

Posts :
• Programming & System Administrative Assis 38 Posts | Std. 12 pass and COPA - ITI N.C.V.T. compulsory
• Draftsman (Civil) : 05 Posts | Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given
• Pipe Fitter : 04 Posts | Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Refrigeration and Air Conditioned Mechanic : Posts | Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Mechanic Earthmoving Machinery : 11 Posts | Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Horticultural Assistant : 04 Posts | Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given
• Pump Mechanic : 01 Post | Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Surveyor : 02 Posts | Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Fitter : 07 Posts | Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Mechanic Motor Vehicle : 02 Posts |Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given
• Electrician : 04 Posts | Std. 10th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Wireman : 20 Posts | Std. 08th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Lineman : 09 Posts | Std. 08th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Book Binder : 01 Post | Std. 08th pass, (Preference will be given Pass)
• Plumber : 10 Posts | Std. 08th pass, (Preference will be given Pass

How to Apply: send their application & necessary documents to given addre

Address to sent Applications : General
Administration Department, Apprentice Branch, Room No. 127/2, Khanderao Market Building, Vadodara - 390209.
Last Date : 28-02-2017

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