Friday, 3 February 2017

Sarva Siksha Abhiyan Mission (SSA) Gujarat Recruitment 2017 for Graphic Designer & Media Manager Posts

Official website;

Total Posts SSA: 02 Posts

1. Graphic Designer: 01 Post
Essential Qualification:
• A good academic record with at least 50% and above marks or equivalent Grade in any Graduation from the recognized University.
• A good academic record with at least 50% and above marks or equivalent Grade in Degree/Diploma in Graphics designing from a recognized University/Institute.
• Candidates should knowledge of a graphic designer works on a variety of products and activities, such as websites, advertising, books, magazines, posters, product packaging, exhibitions and displays.
• Candidates should knowledge of a latest version of Page Maker, CorelDraw, Photoshop, Dreamweaver C53, Flash Programming, Flash, In Design, Fireworks Adobe Photoshop CS3, 2D and 3D animation, Illustrator, Quark Express from recognized Private or Government Institute.

2. Media Manager: 01 Post
Essential Qualification:
• A good academic record with at least 60% and above marks or equivalent Grade in any Graduation from the recognized University.
• A good academic record with at least 60% and above marks or equivalent Grade in Bachelor of Communication Journalism & Public Relation (BCJP) or Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Communication) (PGDM-C) or Master degree in Planning.
Desirable Qualification:
• Post Graduation in Master of Journalism Study (MJS) from recognized University.
• Ability to work on Computers and fluency in written and spoken English, Hindi and Gujarati is must.
• Preference would be given to those candidate who have minimum 5 years of experience as Media Manager/Reporter/Public Relation Officer in any New Papers/Media Company or in related field of Media.

Age Limit: Up to 40 years.

Salary: Rs. 25000/- per month

Selection Process SSA: interview

How to Apply SSA: Eligible candidates may send their application & necessary documents to given below address .

Address SSA: State Project Director, State Project Office, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan Mission, Sector – 17, Gandhinagar- 382010

Last Date SSA Requirement : Within 10 Days from The Date of Advertisement Published
(Advertisement Published Date: 04-02-2017 )

Advertisement SSA Requirement:
• Graphic Designer: Click Here
• Media Manager: Click Here
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