Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Organization Name:-Saurashtra University
Posts Name : Junior Research Fellow Post
Name of the Project: Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) Irradiation Studies on Manganite Based Thin Film Devices
Name of the funding agency: IUAC, New Delhi.
Qualifications: At least second class (55% marks) in M.Sc. Physics ,M.Phil. and/or research experience will be preferred
Emoluments: Rs. 14000/- per month (fixed)
Candidates who possess above mentioned qualifications should send their applications on plain paper along with copies of B.Sc. and M.Sc. mark sheets to the following address on or before 20th September, 2016, along with mobile number and e-mail address. Candidates can also submit their application online to piyush.physics@gmail.com or snikesh@yahoo.com.
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